Do you have an International team? It’s important that your learning culture extends across all the geographic locations where your organization is present to ensure your team is delivering the same best practices and is equipped with uniform skills all over the world. 

CIET offers custom private group training, which is a great option for multi-national organizations because training can be customized and tailored to the local context with local examples and exercises. Our training programs are organized to address the realities of your organization, and reflect the challenges and opportunities you face in energy efficiency, management and decarbonization.

Multi-national industries in the energy efficiency space may include:

  • Mining companies
  • Commercial real estate companies
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Industrial manufacturers (heavy and light)


5 Energy Efficiency Courses Ideal for International Organizations

To help get you started, we’ve put together a list of the top 5 capacity-building courses that will benefit multi-national organizations.

1. Energy Management Professional 101 (EMP 101)

This course is perfect for any newcomer to the EE sector. CIET has developed a course that provides pragmatic knowledge and skills that can be demonstrated to and applied for any employer. The program is also a stepping stone to the CEM course normally taken after at least three years of field experience.

Learn more about this course.

2. Certified RETScreen® Expert (CRE)

The Certified RETScreen® Expert (CRE) program is designed to help participants develop their skills in the analysis of all types of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.Participants will develop a sound understanding of the new analysis functions provided by the software, such as the Virtual Energy Analyzer and the Portfolio Analysis Module as well as the monitoring of energy performance data.

Learn more about this course.

3. Planning and Selecting GHG Reduction Projects

This course provides participants with the tools and expertise needed to determine the best path to decarbonization aligned with multiple organizational objectives including emission reduction targets, capital planning cycles, operator capacity and expertise, and climate adaptation. Participants learn best practices as developed through real world expertise to ensure their decarbonization projects are effective in both the short and long term.

Learn more about this course.

4. Energy Efficiency Financing Mechanisms

In this training course, participants will learn about the mechanisms and successes of EE financing, as well as their respective complexities and challenges. In order to re-enforce these learnings, the course features a number of practice financing scenarios and design case exercises. 

Learn more about this course.

5. Energy Efficiency for Building Operators and Maintenance Staff (EEBO)

This course is a hands-on and highly interactive two-day course designed to engage, motivate and empower Building Operators. Instructors develop participants’ understanding of how energy behaves, how energy is used in their facilities as well as how it can be controlled through operational action across a variety of building systems.

Learn more about this course.


Examples of International Training Delivered By CIET

A group of people standing in front of the RETScreen Expert website

CIET delivered a
Certified RETScreen® Expert (CRE) training program for public sector employees from INEEL (Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías Limpias) and CONUEE (Comisión Nacional para el Uso Eficiente de la Energía) in Mexico. The course was conducted in Spanish, which is one of the 34 languages in which RETScreen® Expert can be used.

Lima, Peru
Training on standards, labels and Energy Efficiency Policies.

Ran capacity-building programs to support the development and implementation of green financing projects via microfinance institutions in the Caribbean.

Provided training to support a transition program to support the implementation of energy efficient lighting in the country.

Delivered the Certified RETScreen® Expert training to help stakeholders in Jordan better understand and benchmark energy performance of buildings.


We Build the Right Program For Your Team

Private group training offers many advantages to your organization:

  • Choose your own training dates
  • Customize training with localized examples, data, case studies, and questions that reflect your organization
  • Utilize the training as a team-building opportunity
  • Choose the most appropriate delivery method (virtual or in-person)
  • Link training to HR objectives and development goals
  • Benefit from an all-inclusive price with no add-on costs


Interested in building the right private training program for your team?


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